Organize Your Household Papers
Imagine walking into your HOME OFFICE and seeing a clear desk top.
Your KITCHEN COUNTERS and dining table are not piled with paper.
Papers have a home and are easy to find when you need them!
You feel empowered, have more free time and PEACE OF MIND that stuff isn’t slipping through the cracks.
The only problem? It all sounds like a dream…You’re thinking “I’ve organized my papers before and look at the mess I’m in again.” Or maybe you’re saying “why bother, it will just pile up again tomorrow.”
It’s seems like a daunting task sorting through all your paper. You’re visual and need to have papers out where you can see them otherwise it’s “out-of-sight, out-of-mind.”
Or you like your piles of paper, you find what you need…just give me a few minutes as “I know it’s in here somewhere.”
Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s totally possible to get your papers organized so it works for you with less piles and mess!
Your time is valuable! You have more important things to do than dig through piles of paper which only makes you frustrated and adds undo stress to your life. Who needs more stress and frustration?
I get it, your life is busy, getting organized takes time and you just want it to all disappear now.
So why do your papers continually pile up?
I know, you’re probably asking yourself the same question…
You’re probably wondering WHY –
You see magazines at the checkout stands with 123 tips to get organized, but your home doesn’t look like the magazine pictures that have been STAGED TO PERFECTION.
You’ve bought organizing containers and supplies and still DISORGANIZED.
You’ve brought in a professional and they set up a system that DIDN’T WORK FOR YOU.
You started to organize your papers and you got stuck on what to keep and WHAT TO TOSS.
You like your piles and everything out where you can see them, yet you can’t find that MISSING CHEQUE.
Your life is already full, busy with everything you need to do run the household, drive the kids to school, appointments, after school activities and you have no time for yourself, let alone schedule time to do this course…but you know the piles of paper are making you more tired and frustrated.
You barely have an hour to yourself during the week and weekends are to be with family.
And you’re at the breaking point that you just can’t take it anymore.
There’s this small nudge inside of you that says I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, TODAY’S THE DAY…
you can do this
you’ll figure it out
it will make your life a less stressful
There HAS to be a better way to manage all this paper coming into my home.
Well your search to get rid of your paper piles can stop right here.
Because together I’ll show you how to get your papers organized and customized so it works for YOU.
The truth is, you can get your paper systems set up faster than you can it on your own with the help of an organizer who's seen it all and worked in the trenches side-by-side with clients for over 16 years. Digging through mountains of paper and making sense of it all and creating customized paper systems that work in each space I’ve organized and how the client workflow habits come into play.
You just need to HAVE A VISION AND PLAN OF ACTION before you start sorting and organizing your papers.
You’ll confidently know what to keep and what to toss.
You’ll create paper systems that work for you and are easy to find information.
You’ll save yourself time and money and know what paper organizing supplies you’ll need
You’ll have a bill paying system so that bills don’t go missing
No more lost gift cards, lost receipts and late fees
No more tax time stress gathering your papers for your accountant or bookkeeper
No more piles of kid’s artwork randomly piled all over your home
You’ll create a family reference binder for kids schedules and make it easier for the nanny or babysitter to find important phone numbers and information
You’ll have a system to manage incoming mail and papers
You’ll have all your vital information in one place, there when you need it!
I created Organize Your Household Papers to help YOU finally blast through your piles of papers for GOOD.
As a professional organizer and productivity trainer, I’ve pretty much seen it all and organized and indexed 10,000’s of files, storage boxes and customized every single paper management system for each of my clients.
Organizing comes natural to me and I can see through any cluttered space and how to create a space that you envision. I can see past the piles of paper and boxes and know exactly where to begin and what the next steps are.
I’ve organized 100’s of financial filing systems, simplified and reduced stress for so many stay-at-home moms, entrepreneurs and working professionals. It’s almost effortless. One client said “It only took me 15 minutes to gather my papers for my accountant after you set up the file system.”
But I also have a confession to make. There was a time when paper piles surrounded me in the corporate world and it wasn’t until I started my organizing business and after revamping my own filing system three times in the first year, did I realize there was underlying root causes to the paper piles.
Back in my corporate days, I had a small desk, barely enough room to do my work, a small file drawer but no place for my project files. So they were piled on the floor. I drove me crazy, but what’s a girl to do when you can’t change the size of your desk unless you convince your boss that if I had a desk that was designed for my workflow, I could get my work done faster and they would have their investor packages faster.
So I had my dad build a custom desk designed exactly how I wanted it. It was so cool. And I convinced my boss to let me design better storage and office supply shelving so everyone in the office could get their work done faster and more efficiently.
I didn’t realize back then that I’d be doing this for a living, running my own company Simply Productive, creating spaces that where highly functional, efficient and beautifully organized. It’s my dream job.
Working in the corporate world for 15 years, I had four jobs, and at each one I either took it upon myself to revamp the filing systems, storage rooms, office supply room, and create databases, checklists, templates and forms to make everyone’s life easier. I didn’t want things to slip through the cracks and I didn’t like to waste time looking for stuff. I wanted to find information fast and do my work as efficiently as possible.
In the first year of my business, I realized that the #1 reason people were calling me for help was for their paper. Whether it was in their home or office. Fast forward 16 years later, and paper is still around and #1 reason people call me today. I’m known as the paper and file expert.
After we get your paper organized, I know you’ll want to get your digital clutter organized…you know…your overflowing Inbox, messy computer screen with 100 icons, 10,000’s of photos and computer files that are not easy to find. Digital clutter is always second on the list to get organized. That’s a whole other day and a completely different course, which I have for you as well.
Clear the Way
With a series of time-tested organizing strategies, I’ll help you get your papers organized for good!
Today’s your day to get organized.
Get Rid of Your Paper Clutter at Home is here to help you finally STOP the insanity of living with piles of paper and instead have a paper system that works for you.
It all starts with a vision and game plan.
Here’s how it all breaks down
Lesson 1: Great Your Organizing Vision and Game Plan
Here, we’ll help you get clear on what your vision is for your paper systems. If you don't have a plan you won't know what your working towards. It's like going on vacation to a new destination and no map of how to get there. Trust, me this is the first step and most people skip this step because they think it doesn't matter.
Lesson 2: How to Set Up Your File Systems
Here’s you discover how to set up your filing system and how to make your file cabinet ergonomic so it’s easier on your back. You’ll also learn how to separate personal and business files inside the file cabinet and I’ll demo how to actually create your file labels so its super easy for you find your files quickly. And I’ll share what file system mistakes to avoid that most people make.
Lesson 3: Organizing Your Bills and Receipts
Now that you know how to set up your filing system, you’ll create a customized paper system for your bill paying and receipts. No more missing receipts and “I can’t find the bills to pay.”
Lesson 4: Family Wall Calendar System
Here’s the think, every family will do this differently…so you got to do what works for you! You’ll see how a wall calendar system simplifies the life of a family 7 (with five kids), plus a full-time nanny and weekend babysitters. This family relies heavily on their visual wall calendar system so appointment times don’t get slip through the cracks, parents know each other’s schedules, and all the other activities happening in this busy household. You’ll be able to setup your own family calendar system so it works for you and your household.
Lesson 5: Setting Up a Household Reference Binder
This system complements a family calendar system and centralizes all the information a busy household needs when there’s an emergency, kids and parent’s schedules, phone lists and so much more. Learn what goes into this binder, how to set it up, download templates to use and a quick reference for nannies and babysitters to use.
Lesson 6: Cable Management Charging System
Keeping multiple mobile devices charged so there’s not a tangled mess of cords you need to set up a charging station. Discover simple quick fixes to create order and have cables at your fingertips that aren’t a tangled mess.
Lesson 7: Setting Up Your Kids Homework Zone
Here’s where you create an area for kids to do their homework and have what they need for all those projects they need to complete. Keeping it all organized and somewhat transportable is key to less stress and getting homework done faster! They won’t need to ask you “where is the glue and tape”, or “I need paper” or “Where’s the hole punch?” Teach your kids organizing skills at an early age and they will take those skills with them well into their adult years.
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6 Lesson Video trainings without the fluff and shows you the HOW TO get an area organized so it works for you (VALUE $497)
Access to Private Members Community – You need support and inspiration. Community support with amazing students waiting to welcome you. The vibe and energy of this group is amazing. PLUS, students love the fact that they are not alone sorting their paper clutter…in fact…this motivates and inspires them even more to get their paper systems set up faster. Post your before and after photos here for even more tips and ideas from Sherry. (VALUE $199)
Ask Sherry questions inside the course portal for an entire year! That’s right, I’m in the group every week answering questions (except when I’m on holidays). When I’m back I’ll respond when I’m back. I want your organizing projects to be a HUGE SUCCESS! (VALUE $199)
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VALUE: $499
“For anyone looking at Sherry’s material, courses and coaching, I would just say they are great. All this chaos was causing problems. I could not find anything when I needed it. I was working on emergencies all the time because I was forgetting to complete client requests because the requests were disappearing in various piles of paper. Finally, feeling frustrated with the mess, I went to Google, “how to handle office chaos” looking for help. That’s when I found Sherry’s course to get rid of my paper clutter. Great program, solid ideas, highly recommend Sherry Borsheim, of Simply Productive. Wishing your business great success.
David Motkoski,
Internet Marketing Consultant
“You saved me from spending thousands of dollars on unnecessary software & time management programs. You came into my office and went to work setting up a system that was just right for my business. You helped me focus and find more time by implementing the simple organizational steps from your book Conquer Your Chaos. So thankful!”
Jan Addams, Interior Designer
Image to Interior Inc.
"We used to waste a lot of time searching for documents. Now, we can search and retrieve documents quickly. We got rid of the clutter and created a lot of physical space and a more pleasant and positive working space. Having an organized office space is liberating!
Melanie Lam, Administrative AssistantAdministrative and Professional Staff Association, Simon Fraser University